POST /flow

Add a flow to the active configuration. A flow is represented as a tab within the editor.

Requires permission: flows.write


Header Value
Authorization Bearer [token] - if authentication is enabled
Content-type application/json


The request body must be a single flow configuration object.

  "id": "91ad451.f6e52b8",
  "label": "Sheet 1",
  "nodes": [ ],
  "configs": [ ]

The configuration object must, at a minimum, include the nodes property.

The runtime will assign a new id for the flow. If the provided flow configuration object includes an id field it will be replaced and the z property of all nodes updated to match.

All of the nodes in the flow must have unique id properties. The request will rejected if any of the ids are already in use.


Status Code Reason Response
204 Success none
400 Bad request An Error response
401 Not authorized none

Returns the id of the flow.
